Saturday, 30 August 2014

The Magical Journey

Wanted to write this long back. Thankyou Mom Junction all because of you I'm writing this my Magical Journey ..

It was the tiniest thing I decided to put my whole life into!!

Its ”Positive”  hearing this I was almost in tears I had no idea what to do what to say I was so very excited.

 It was the first time. Yes first time I was going to be a Mum or I can say I was already a Mum after hearing the positive result.

Before I conceived I wanted the little angel. Before he/she was born I loved him/her. Before the angel was here an hour I would give my life for it.. This is the miracle of life.

I didn’t become a mother after giving birth to a child I was a mother as soon as I conceived as soon as I heard the positive result. Even when you don’t see that little thing or I must say the little angel that is growing inside you still you start taking care of it the moment you come to know that you are Pregnant and making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

Now I know it was going to be a long journey of 9 months but I didn’t wanted it to be like that I wanted to make it a magical journey so that when the little one arrives knows me well and I would know him well too.People usually say for the first 3 months it’s just a fetus..No for me it was already my baby.

 It was the tiniest thing I decided to put my whole life into and  I was all prepared for all the morning sickness the tiredness the pukes I could take anything for the little one that is developing in me. I knew a  baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, but the future worth living for. I started feeling him inside me something was changing in me it was growing in me and now the Bump was seen.
I never felt awkward walking around with the bump. I felt happy felt proud was happy to show off to the world that I was carrying a new life in me whose heart is connected to me whose breath is all coz of me.
People now saw me and judged me as to if I was going to give birth to a boy or a girl. So many things from so many people I got to knew. Many of them said it’s a boy but why? Y cant it be a girl I wanted a girl coz I was always proud of being a girl. Proud of my mother because of her I’m here and Because of me a new life is going to enter into this world then y not a girl. But it didn’t matter to me if it was a boy or a girl.

And now the time was approaching where I was getting close to meet the little one. Happiness, Sadness Fear, and Excitement everything caught me it was getting tougher and tougher day by day wasn’t able to wait.  And now the day had arrived when something terrible happened to me.. No this wasn’t the labour pains or I was in labour.
 I was in blood. I bleeded like alot my heart beats dropped and I was in a state of shock almost in tears I  was rushed to hospital immediately and by the time I knew I had gone through some complications I had to be strong mentally and physically. I knew nothing’s going to happen to the little one. The one inside me was already strong fought back the complications and had finally arrived and was placed on my stomach.” It’s a Boy”

Everyone around me was in tears but my dad was eagerly waiting for me to come out of the operation theatre he so badly wanted to see me. He smiled at me. His smile kind of hugged me and said Congratulations Mom. Wow you feel on top of the world J

My little man was placed in my arms he was so tender so delicate so innocent he knew only me in this world. I holded his tiny fingers and promised him to take care of him always love him protect him and be with him no matter what J

“You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket.” 

The journey doesn’t ends after giving birth to a child it has started the second phase has started and I’m so happy.

Now my little man ‘’Nirek’’ is 5 years old and Still the most magical day of my life was the day I became a Mom.


About Me

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A Marwadi FashionDesigner who loves designing sarees. An Hαr∂corє Lover Avid Reader/Writer A Full time Dreamer Thoughts are my own Music & Cнαι keeps me going Social Media Addict Crazy Selfie Obsessed Mum of 1 who has an very Addictive Smile :) Keep blogging at times. This is my second blog and the 1st one is .. Unfortunately forgot the id n not able to recover it ..